This page will answer questions commonly asked by students and parents.

  1. How can I contact you during the day?
  2. How do you celebrate birthdays?
  3. What should I do if I need to change my child's pick up plans?
  4. What can I do to support learning at home?

How can I contact you during the day?

Email may be the most efficient way to communicate with me. I typically check my email at least twice a day (morning and afternoon) and can respond quickly. My email is jrogge@novaclassical.org. I do have a phone in my classroom (ext.113), but I do not answer it if I'm teaching. The best way to reach me if it is an emergency is to call the school office (651-227-8622).  If you want to contact me about an absence or a doctor's appointment, etc. you could also send a note with your child in his or her folder. I check the blue homework folders every morning, so it's a perfect place to write a note for me.

I do appreciate it if parents refrain from coming to talk to me in the mornings or afternoons without arranging it beforehand. Those times can be the most hectic of the day and it is important that I am able to focus on students and their needs during these times. Thank you for understanding!

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How do you celebrate birthdays?

At Nova we ask that parents do not send treats with their child on her birthday. We have some students with severe allergies who cannot always eat the treats. If a family wants to do something special at school for their child's birthday we ask that they donate a book to our classroom library in their child's name or have their child do a reading from a favorite book to recommend it to the class. Many parents come in to class to read a book on their child's birthday. This is a lot of fun if it fits into your schedule!

As a class, we will always recognize the child on their birthday and enjoy their special day.  I even hand make a crown for the birthday student to wear!

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What should I do if I need to change my child's pick up plans?

You should call the front office at 651-227-8622. They will get the information to me before the end of the school day.

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What can I do to support learning at home?

There are SO many things you can do to extend learning at home!  One of the most important is to talk with your child about things they are learning and ask him or her questions.  Below are few FUN activities you can do with your child to practice the sounds for each phonogram.


FUN Phonogram Practice

  • Fill a shallow dish or tray with sand, shaving cream or rice and have your child write each phonogram with his or her finger as they say the sounds for each phonogram.
  • Write the phonograms you would like your child to practice on cards and make a memory match game.  Each time your child turns over a card he or she should say the sounds for that phonogram. 
  • Search for phonograms in you child’s favorite story book or on signs and posters.
  • Place a piece of paper over coarse sand paper and have your child write a phonogram with a crayon while saying the sounds.  Then remove the paper and “write” the phonogram again with their finger on the sandpaper.  This can be done with any textured surface!
  • Do some sky writing.  Scholars can pretend to write the phonograms in the air while saying the sounds.
  • Get out the bath crayons and write the phonograms and say their sounds in the tub
  • Lather, rinse, REPEAT!  The more repetition and exposure your child gets practicing these phonograms the stronger their pathways of learning will be!

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